Factory Planning

Fraunhofer FFB has designed, built, and operated several production facilities of different sizes. This gives us extensive expertise in production and factory planning:

  • The innovation line in the FFB workspace
  • The pilot production line of 2024 in the FFB PreFab
  • The Gigafactory line of 2027 in the FFB Fab

The knowledge and experience we gain will enable the European battery industry to achieve innovative and sustainable production. Interdisciplinary collaboration underpins our decisions and provides new perspectives on old problems.

We focus on meeting the unique production demands of both small-scale laboratory plants for material testing and industrial battery cell production on a gigawatt scale. We conduct research and develop customized solutions to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of these environments. By leveraging digitalization, such as through simulation or data analysis, we can optimize material flow, logistics, and space concepts.

At our company, we take a comprehensive approach to factory and production planning. Our process begins with designing the necessary buildings and equipment tailored to your cell production objectives, following VDI 5200. We create production layouts and utilize simulations to scrutinize and enhance logistics, material, and energy flows. During the implementation phase, we guide you through the ramp-up to the first OK cell and facilitate further optimization. We are capable of executing each step independently and integrating them into your planning, from the initial concept to the first battery.


Consortium study: Factory planning / 1.7.2024

Looking for participants!

The objective of the collaborative study by PEM Chair at RWTH Aachen University, PEM Motion, and Fraunhofer FFB is to efficiently design the planning process for battery cell factories. Join the consortium today.


Whitepaper "The digital twin in battery cell production"

Make full use of your potential, in the spirit of Industry 4.0, with the help of digital twins. The white paper offers you a good introduction to the topic.