Background and Umbrella Project

The "FoFeBat" project (shorthand for "Forschungsfertigung Batteriezelle") is a part of the Forschungsfabrik Batterie ("Battery Production Research Factory") umbrella project which is sponsored by the Ministry of Education and Research. The Ministry of Education and Research has used this umbrella project to streamline its various battery technology research projects across a number of national research centers and research clusters, integrating all (in the past) separately managed subsidy schemes and forms of financial support. The innovation pipeline of the umbrella project is sub-divided into three branches, representing new concepts for materials, battery cells and production technology. Each of these three branches is made up of "clusters of excellence" that follow different lines of research. The "FoFeBat" project resides in Research Factory Module 3 "Battery Cell Production". The results of these research clusters from Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) 5 to 6 will – provided they promise a viable route to their application in an industrial environment – be validated and demonstrated in large-scale operations on TRL > 6. It is expected that this strategy will allow the "FoFeBat" project to accelerate the industrial application of research results.

In order to implement the Battery Production Research Factory umbrella project successfully as part of the national research system, a globally unique innovation pipeline for the production of batteries will be developed based on the existing structures of battery research in Germany.

Eine Visualisierung der Konzeptes der Fraunhofer FFB
© Projektträger Jülich | Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
The Forschungsfabrik Batterie ("Battery Production Research Factory") umbrella project has been designed to integrate all previously separate battery research subsidy schemes and programmes.