Digitized battery cell production

Efficient and sustainable battery cell production can only be achieved through the networking of machines, products, buildings, and their data in the context of Industry 4.0.


Our institution is committed to digitalization in two main areas. Firstly, we leverage digital technologies to optimize our processes and gain a deeper understanding of the effects of different parameters. Secondly, we assess and enhance the digitalization of our manufacturing equipment. We test and implement digital methods for battery cell production, ranging from production traceability to the complete digital mapping of products, production, or buildings.

We also offer training and education opportunities to meet the growing demand for specialists in our field. Our aim is to leverage the advantages of digitalization to improve the quality and efficiency of battery cell production.

Our Offers and Blogarticles



AI in battery production

Find out how we use Industry 4.0 technologies to increase your productivity.

press release / 25.1.2023

Whitepaper »Digital Twins in battery cell production«


Digitized Battery Cell Production / 12.12.2023

Simulations as a forecasting method

What are the advantages of simulations for battery production? Get an overview.


Digitized Battery Cell Production / 5.12.2023

IT architectures for the smart factory

IIoT and data acquisition: We provide an insight into the IT architecture of battery cell production.


Digitized Battery Cell Production / 28.11.2023

Battery production 4.0: the digital twin

What is a digital twin? We explain this technology and its implementation at Fraunhofer FFB.


Digitized Battery Cell Production / 5.12.2023

IT architectures for the smart factory

IIoT and data acquisition: We provide an insight into the IT architecture of battery cell production.