Requirements study for piping systems in battery cell production

Situation and motivation

GF's piping systems can be used in various market segments (e.g. utilities, building services, industry) for a wide range of applications (e.g. ultra-pure water transport, dehumidification, cooling, vacuum). Some of the applications mentioned above can also be found in the construction of gigafactories for the production of battery cells. However, it was first necessary to determine the requirements for piping systems in gigafactories.


    1. The further objectives and expectations of the project are recorded, and the search area (e.g. dehumidification, drying room, clean room) is proposed and defined.

    2. Definition of the evaluation criteria for the preliminary and detailed analysis

    3. Broad screening of possible applications for piping systems, including all relevant piping components (e.g. valves, fittings) in the defined search areas in Gigafactories

    4. Detailed analysis of the prioritized applications of piping systems in gigafactories and description of the actual requirements for piping applications (e.g. pressure, temperature, chemical resistance)

    Evaluation of piping applications and media for the use of plastic components (e.g. in comparison to steel components)


As a starting point, the project established clear definitions for piping applications in gigafactories. A comprehensive list of possible piping system applications in gigafactories was then created and prioritized based on their needs. This allowed the project to focus on the applications with the highest priority and greatest added value.

After analyzing the specific requirements of various applications, we gained a first impression of the practical applications of piping systems in gigafactories. This helped us understand which aspects are crucial when implementing piping projects in gigafactories.

A thorough analysis was conducted to evaluate prioritized piping applications and their requirements, including operational and technical aspects. The results were then summarized in structured application profiles.

The presentation concluded by outlining the various applications of pipeline systems in gigafactories, along with the specific requirements for their implementation. It provided a comprehensive overview of the potential pipeline applications and detailed information on the necessary considerations for successful implementation.

Project partner

Georg Fischer Piping Systems

GF Piping Systems specializes in plastic piping systems and system solutions with service in all project phases. GF Piping Systems is represented in 31 countries with its own sales companies and produces at more than 30 locations worldwide. In 2022, GF Piping Systems generated sales of CHF 2,160 million and employed 8,085 people. GF Piping Systems is a division of Georg Fischer Ltd, which was founded in 1802, and is headquartered in Schaffhausen, Switzerland.