Energy Consumption of Innovation Modules

Photovoltaic (PV) systems are used in battery cell production to generate clean and renewable electricity. This electricity is used to power various stages of the production process, reducing reliance on conventional grid electricity. PV systems can also integrate sustainable energy sources, enable off-grid applications, and be coupled with energy storage systems to enhance reliability and resilience. All the energy generated is consumed by the base load of the factory, so almost no electricity is fed into the grid.


A photovoltaic system converts sunlight into electrical energy by using solar modules that contain multiple solar cells. The sunlight stimulates the electrons in the solar cells to move, generating direct current electrical current. This electricity is considered green and is therefore environmentally friendly.


Up to 23 %

Environmental Impact

  • Each produced kWh saves at least 300 g CO2-equivalents.
  • The installation saves around 67 tons of CO2 emissions every year.

Manufacturer and model used in the "FFB PreFab": Not yet procured