Online Meet-up with our digitization experts  /  March 20, 2023, 16:00 - 17:30 Uhr

Live Q&A: »The digital twin in battery cell production«

Digitization has found its way into many industries in recent years, and it is also playing an increasingly important role in battery cell production. There are many reasons for this: efficiency and productivity can be optimized with the help of automated production processes and manufacturing workflows, and errors and reject rates can be reduced. At the same time, digitization can help improve product quality by enabling more precise control of manufacturing processes and reducing the use of resources.

Our live Q&A on "The Digital Twin in Battery Cell Manufacturing" builds on our whitepaper of the same name and is designed to allow you to put your questions on the complex topic area directly to our team of experts. To what extent has digitization already arrived in the production environment? Which applications are already being implemented? What hurdles have to be overcome? Our team of experts will discuss these questions with you and present the various aspects of the Digital Twin in battery cell production in short keynote speeches, including the Digital Plant Twin, the Digital Building Twin, the Digital Product Twin, and the prospects of the Digital Twin.

However, the focus of the event will be on the exchange with you. We want to answer your questions and discuss them with you. Feel free to send us your specific concerns and questions in advance via the registration form or directly by e-mail.

We look forward to your participation and the exchange of ideas.